Yaakov was a shepard. Wool and Leather/suede, come from sheep. We discovered that wool looks very different after it is spun. It also feels different. The Clothing made from skin/fur of an animal felt much warmer than that made of ex. cotton.
We were real busy all week. We had to create our bears and get them ready for the winter. We made caves and lined them with "grass" to keep the bears warm. We also made place mats to help learn our manners.
We had fun helping make a very yummy bean soup. We made soup in honor of this weeks letter, S. And because, in this weeks parsha, Yaakov cooked a bean soup. Eisav hungrily gulped down the soup without using table manners.
Blind people use their hands, or their sense of touch, to see things. We had to use our hands to tell us what was hiding in side the mystery touch box. We realized that our hands cant see the colors of things even though they are very helpful for telling us what something is. Some of us thought that we would know the color or pattern of the hidden objects without using our eyes. Now we know that blind poeple never know what color or design things are.