Friday, January 2, 2009

Latke "FIshing" game

We had to "catch" the latke, then sort it into portions: on each latke was either a Capital letter, lower case letter, or a picture. We had to place it onto the plate labled with that letter.
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Sorting Chanukka Candles by Color, And charting it out too

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Frying Latkes

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Playing Dreidel!!!

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Matching- ABC practice

After our class found all the jugs, the fun was not over yet! We played a matching game that was a really big hit!

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"Lighting" the Menorah

Isaac found the sealed jug! Now we can light the Menorah with pure olive oil just like in the holy temple!
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Yay! We did it! Now we could light the Menorah

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Hunting for the jug of oil with the seal

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Biulding our Menorahs

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Menorah Experiment

What liquid will keep teh fire burning for the longest. Fire needs a fuel to keep it going. Will it be water, venger, a juice, or oil? We were amazed to see that oil won hands down!!! The flame was distinguished in seconds from all the liquids except oil. It was also really cool to learn that fire needs oxygen just like us! the flame went away when a glass was placed over it, trapping it in and preventing it from getting fresh oxygen.
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biulding our class cave.

We cant wait to put our teddy bears from home to sleep in this nice, cozy cave we made together.
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Team Work gets the job done!!!

Class effort to biuld a nice warm cave for all of our teddies to sleep in in teh winter.
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Some more Chanuka crafts

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