Ethan: Everyday, another child gets the honor of being "wake up fairy". When Ethan got his turn, he was very eager to sprinkle each and everyone of his friends with the wake up dust. One of his peers though, decided to rest a little longer. Annoyed that he couldn't get her to wake up he said, " Why is she sleeping so widely?!?!" (translation: deeply)
Jordan: Jordan wants us to bake the yummy chocolate chip cookies her dad makes. She can even help us with the recipe. She is sure that you need to "INGRIED" flour.
Michael: While playing a game, Michael diligently followed the directoins on the.... "MAP."(i.e. instructions)
Hadassa: All excite about the lesson on lady bugs, Hadassa was eager to get outside, find lady bugs, and count their spots. "Hey, people are like ladybugs. They have spots that we can count to get thier age!" (i.e. freckles)
Daniel: To go along with the lesson on bugs, we told the children that we would be having a butterfly lunch. Daniel wanted to take no part in this, " I don't like eating bugs!!!!". He calmed down when he realized they were home made out of bread, cream cheese, and carrots.