Thursday, January 28, 2010

Surprise birthday party for Morah Mushky

Happy Birthday Trees!

This week we celebrate the holiday called Tu B'shvat. This holiday is the new year for all the trees.
Taste testing Israel's special fruit. YUM!!!

Charting our favorite fruit

We made our very own plant plates designed with fruits of Israel, that we colored ourselves.

Fruit collages and Fruit creatures. How cool!!

This week is shabbat shira

When the Jewish people were in the desert, G-d sent the Jews manna to eat. They were told by Moses that each morning they should gather the amount they would need for that day- and trust that G-d would send more the next day. In preparation for shabbat they were instructed to collect double because G-d would not send the Manna on Shabbat. Two men wanted to prove Moses wrong , they took some of their double portion and spread it out for a Shabbat morning collection. Their trick didn't work out too well because, while these two men were still asleep, G-d sent birds to eat the extra mann, and by morning all the extra manna was eaten and thus when the rest of the nation awoke their was no manna on the ground shabbat morning. In order to commemorate and thank the birds it is tradition to put out food for the birds before this shabbat!


The splitting of the sea

This week we learnt that when G-d took the Jews out of Egypt, He split the waters for them so that they could pass on dry land

Friday, January 22, 2010

Free Play

The Plagues in Egypt

Frogs were jumping everywhere

Wild animals came running all around town

It was so dark in Egypt! You couldnt even see your hand in front of you.

Fire inside Ice?

Our Play Dough Creations

Building Our Cutting Skills

Arts and Crafts